A Fine Finish

Yesterday’s race went really well despite grim predictions for weather that seemed an awful lot like last year. For the most part, though, the rain held off, and the weather was reasonably mild. Yet again, the finish times were impressively fast, and the race support provided by PR Running in Ballston was excellent. Thank you, PR Running, for your ongoing work with us on this event.

the 2024 National Capital 20 Miler race directors standing with two DC Road Runners volunteers, all holding race hoodies, behind the packet pickup table at PR Running
(from left) Joseph P. Fisher, Miguel Matta, Miguel Cuya, Kelly J. Fisher, Anna Suhring, and Peter Feltman at the 2024 Packet Pickup Table

Slight Tech Issues

No event, I suppose, goes off without a hitch (or possibly two). Unfortunately, our web server unexpectedly crashed at the very worst time: Saturday night into Sunday morning and afternoon. Obviously, everything is running again, because you are right now reading this very blog post. Still, we apologize for any confusion this outage might have caused.

More significantly, we are aware that a small number of runners crossed the finish line without their times being recorded. The race directors are working dilligently to address this problem. We have taken note of the runners whose times were not recorded, and we will be contacting you personally by the end of the day today. If you have any questions about your finish times, please contact us so that we can be sure to address your concerns.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

2025 Event Date

In the coming weeks, we will identify the race date for the 2025 events. Once we have identified that date, we will update the site, and we will start a marketing campaign for next year’s event. As always, registration will open in May.

We hope to see you out there next fall!

Joseph P. Fisher
Joseph P. Fisher

Joseph P. Fisher is the Executive Director of the Academic Resource Center at Georgetown University. Joe is a three-time Boston Marathon qualifier, and he is an RRCA-certified running coach. Joe has been a race director for the National Capital 20 Miler since 2017, and from 2016-2023, he was the Communications Director for Coach Kiprunning, owned and operated by Wilson Komen.

Articles: 22