Race Date: September 29th, 2024
Ongoing Gratitude
Thank you once again to Potomac River Running for supporting the National Capital 20 Miler. 2023 marks several years of an ongoing relationship between the race directors, DC Road Runners, and PR Running. We are grateful for the support, and we are looking forward to continued collaboration in the future.
Yesterday’s event went off unhampered by the rain. The trail was muddy, but everyone was in good spirits, and as usual, the finish times were excellent. Participants and spectators can view a bunch of photos on Facebook.
For the Volunteers
Virtually nothing that DC Road Runners accomplishes is possible without the help of volunteers. On race day, 4:00 am comes early, and the end of the event comes late. We are exceedingly grateful for all of the volunteer support that we received yesterday—and all throughout the years that the National Capital 20 Miler has occurred. Even though yesterday’s conditions were less than ideal, we pulled together an excellent event, and we appreciate everyone’s help.
From the Race Directors
It is always a pleasure to bring this race to Washington, DC (and Maryland, technically). We take great pride in organizing a high-quality event that competitive and recreational runners can enjoy in equal measure.
In the coming year, we will be recruiting for additional race directors to assist us with the race. If you are a member of DC Road Runners and are interested in helping, please let us know.
If you are a local runner and are not a member of DC Road Runners, we encourage you to join the club. Then, if you would like, let us know if you would like to serve as a race director.
See all of you next year.